The Commuter Suit by Parker Dusseau
經過全球的運動熱潮與大力提倡的生活文化,單車運動已經緊密融入我們的日常生活之中,除了專業領域之外,適合休閒穿著的單車運動服裝如雨後春筍冒出,以單車作為通勤工具的上班族能見度也逐漸提升。在這幾年單車文化蓬勃發展之間,較少以正式設計打造的單車機能服,而來自舊金山的 Parker Dusseau ,正是以正式機能著裝出發的品牌。
Parker Dusseau 近期將推出的 Commuter Suit 系列,與傳統的西服概念相同,講究面料與剪裁,使用澳洲美麗諾的 Superwool 高質羊毛製成,並混織彈性纖維,使服裝達到更佳的運動延展性,同時外層加入了抗溼加工,抵禦氣候變化,而除了面料外,為單車打造的訴求可從細節機能上明顯查覺:網眼內層、兩袖內部設置調節體溫的拉鏈、透氣運動剪裁的襯衫等等,褲款方面則延續外套的面料,股間使用對角剪裁,提供運動便利與耐久度,褲腳內部附上防止絞入練條的綁腿帶;並在口袋、袖口、領後、褲腳等部位皆加入反光素材細節。各種細節皆展現了專為單車通勤的上班族所設計的機能與巧思。將提供深藍與深灰兩色,限定數量的 Commuter Suit 可於Park Dusseau 線上商店購得。
Biking to work no longer means looking like a triathlete in training. From casual and functional collections like Levi's Commuter Series and Giro's New Road to cyclist specific bags of all styles, cycling apparel has improved drastically in recent years, but few—if any—have approached the suit quite like San Francisco-based Parker Dusseau. The brand's highly anticipated Commuter Suit has been a long time coming for cycling desk jockeys and anyone trying to look dapper on two wheels. The suit is designed to wick away moisture as well as allow for an uninhibited range of motion while riding, with bike-friendly features packed into every detail. With one of the first samples in hand, CH put the suit to the test.Any noteworthy suit starts with premium fabric and the Commuter Suit is no different. The design team at Parker Dusseau—named for the founder's late uncle—researched materials that would provide both a classic look and feel while performing in conditions that would send other suits straight to the dry cleaners. The suit's jacket and pants are made of a premium Australian merino 135 Performance Superwool that's laced with just enough spandex to allow for easy movement while regulating body temperature. Luckily, there is an added moisture resistant finish that keeps you dry from rain (or, as of late in NYC, snow) while allowing sweat to escape.
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