
Airtight Cycles Möbius

位於紐約布魯克林的"Airtight Cycles" 專門為客人量身打照手工單速腳踏車,來看看他們推出的Möbius這台車身有獨特幾何形狀繞紋的車架,很特別喲~

The work produced by students of Koichi Yamaguchi is easily recognised, seemingly, by his one instruction: think outside the triangle. Steel is a malleable material, perfect for building bicycle frames, but it takes a critical mind to create a functional variation on the vernacular. Mathew Amonson has done just that and it’s no surprise that he is a student of Yamaguchi.
Mathew, who lives in Brooklyn NY, is a rising star on the New York custom scene and has named his workshop Airtight Cycles: “I’m from the Rockies of Idaho which necessitates doing everything yourself. I grew up fixing cars, tools, building houses, driving massive equipment and so on.


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