
Mcfly Custom Prototype

在業餘時間,Antoine以Mcfly Custom為名從事自行車及摩托車的製作。在布魯塞爾漫長的歷史中,不可避免地出現了許多或過時或廢棄的自行車,Antoine卻張開雙臂,將它們帶到了自己的工作室。 MCFLY CUSTOM PROTOTYPE就是其中之一,這個原型車的車架像是幾塊鋼板焊接而成,還佈滿鑽孔。其他有些零件則老式,且是組裝而成,就有零件來自雪鐵龍2CV的發動機罩。此外,單車的配件還包括Campagnolo曲柄、IDEALE的坐墊等

The spirit of ingenuity and engineering is not dead in Belgium, as Antoine Hotermans illustrates with this homemade frame. Viewed as a collection of individual parts, it may seem a little rough around the edges but as a whole, it’s a gritty, industrial machine from the streets of Brussels.
Antoine works with both bicycles and motorcycles in his spare time under the moniker of Mcfly Custom. As you’d expect for a city founded in 979 A.D., there are plenty of outdated or discarded frames to be found as donor bikes, which Antoine will welcome into his workshop with open arms.
His Prototype, though, is a ‘new’ fabrication: steel sections were drilled and brazed into a ‘track’ frame and assembled with vintage parts, including bonnet handles from a Citröen 2CV which double as bar ends. Stained Ghisallo rims, an Ideale saddle and engraced Campagnolo cranks complete the picture.

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