
FatherTu & his new De rosa

Another beautiful bike of Father tu's collection!

凃爸的新車 初登場~ 好美啊~

Photo by Father Tu

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girl + bike

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What's in your bag? - FGGT CC

What's in your bag? - FGGT CC

SEE WHAT'S in our girl's bag , when we carry for the ride !
FGGT 新單元 What's in your bag? 來看看我們每一次路騎一定會帶身上的東西!
這一次介紹的女孩是CC , 他每次會帶在身上一定會有!
1. 彩妝帶 2. 綁頭髮 3.手套 4. iPhone 手機 5. 鑰匙包+鑰匙圈 6.太陽眼鏡 7.護唇膏

Photo by 大大

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I must be in HEAVEN

WOW~ again , Father Tu make the amazing photo !

very beautiful bike , and very
beautiful place in Taiwan!

美呆了啊~~~ 凃爸的照片真的讓人好享受啊~~~
這麼美的車加這麼美的景!!! 台灣就是這麼美啊~~

Photo/bike setup by Father TU

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FGGT MAO 今天是其他FGGT女孩們,愛迪達外拍的小保母~大家今天辛苦了啊~~

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WOW~~ This is a really beautiful bike!

Final design collaboration build with Tanabesan of Kalavinka Cycles here in Tokyo. I revamped some of his logos and collaborated on some shirt designs in return for this frame. The top tube decal I created for the shirts that eventually we decided to use for this. The lady on the seat tube I found from the depths of the shop and chopped off some surrounding designs to simplify it.

The senjafuda on the fork is my japanese family name with the words 'konjo' meaning spirit and 'dokyo' for courage.

The omamori on the seat is for 'victory'.

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What's in your bag? - FGGT Rita

What's in your bag? - FGGT Rita 小君

SEE WHAT'S in our girl's bag , when we carry for the ride !
FGGT 新單元 What's in your bag? 來看看我們每一次路騎一定會帶身上的東西!
這一次介紹的女孩是Rita , 他每次會帶在身上一定會有!

1. iPhone 手機 2. 眼球小腰包 3. Ray Ban太陽眼鏡 4. ANNA SUI花花小手帕 5. LV小零錢包 6.手套


Photo by 大大

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Monster traps team ride



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Art of the day

Kill Hill Poster by Peonfx

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girl + bike

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What's in your bag? - FGGT 小花

What's in your bag? - FGGT 小花

SEE WHAT'S in our girl's bag , when we carry for the ride !
FGGT 新單元 What's in your bag? 來看看我們每一次路騎一定會帶身上的東西!
這一次介紹的女孩是小花 , 他每次會帶在身上一定會有!

1. MARC 隨行小包包 2. MARC鑰匙圈 3. 面速利達姆 & 護唇膏 4. iPhone手機(MARC殼) 5.MARC水壺( 看到這裡,我覺得小花重了MARC的毒很深) 6. 隨身小扇子 8. 零錢小包

Photo by 大大

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Photo of the day

Anjou Vélo VIntage 2012


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girl + bike

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FGGT ETTA X Adidas Originals (側拍)

FGGT ETTA身上的 Adidas Originals穿起來好舒服,尤其實身上的LEGGING 不會太緊又很修飾身形,純棉好吸汗,非常適合夏天騎車穿,我們FGGT很推薦的好單品~~~

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girl + bike

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London Olympic Velodrome Opening


VIA: britishcycling.org.uk

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Kelli Samuelson

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What's in your bag? - FGGT MEI 小美

What's in your bag? - FGGT MEI 小美

SEE WHAT'S in our girl's bag , when we carry for the ride !
FGGT 新單元 What's in your bag? 來看看我們每一次路騎一定會帶身上的東西!
這一次介紹的女孩是小美 , 他每次會帶在身上一定會有!

1. 側背小腰包 2. 鑰匙+虎爺出入平安福 3. 護唇膏 4. iPhone 手機 5. 小零錢包 6.造型髮蠟( 了短髮的小美,造型髮蠟對他現在非常重要!!! 哈哈哈哈哈~)

Photo by 大大

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FGGT X Adidas Originals (側拍)

星期天一大早8.30,FGGT女孩們就跟CHOC女生雜誌約好要拍Adidas Originals單元!
早上的我們FGGT最熟習的西門町其實很舒服耶~人好少呦~ 哈哈哈哈哈!

全部拍完+訪問完才不到10.30耶~ (突然覺得假日早起時間好好用呦~)


PS:(我們認識了Adidas跟CHOC女生雜誌的編輯女孩子,他們都好可愛!快出來跟我們騎車吧你們!! GO~ GO~ GO~)

photo by SPY

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