
Semester Bicycle: HexTube Bamboo + Carbon Fiber Bike

設計師John Bielenberg 在2009年開始與HERO品牌聯手合作。在Bamboo Bike Studio的支持下,HERObike總算修成正果。儘管HERObike所在的城市格林斯博羅名不見經傳,但它有著難以置信的本地​​資源——大片的竹林生長區。 HERObike就是用當地種植的竹子製作而成,碳纖維芯和六角塗層竹是它的靈魂所在,讓其硬度和性能也不輸普通自行車。環保之餘,HERObike還為不少人提供了就業機會。

Text & photos by Lance Gordon Rake / Semester
For the last two years, I've been working with John Bielenberg and HERObike, an initiative in Greensboro, Alabama, that is creating economic opportunity in the heart of the rural South by harvesting local bamboo to manufacture bicycles.
John was the reason I came to Greensboro in the first place: He had been helping HERObike produce a bamboo bicycle, taking advantage of an incredible local resource. They started making bamboo bikes using pans and jigs from the Bamboo Bike Studio. They still offer workshops where people can come to Greensboro and build their own bamboo bike in a weekend. It's a great service, but John and I were both convinced that we could design a better bamboo bike. The resulting Semester bike is unique and represents a leap forward in bamboo and bicycle frame design.

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