
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2013

Red Bull Illume is the world’s premier international photography competition dedicated to the world of action and adventure sports. Its purpose is to showcase the most exciting and creative action sports photography on the planet as art and bring the public into the world of action sports. The Image Quest 2013 is the 3rd edition of the competition after 2007 and 2010. From tens of thousands of entries, 50 images in ten categories were selected by international judges and photo editors from renowned publications. The overall winner, Lorenz Holder, received the new Leica S camera and a broncolor Move Outdoor kit as well as Sun-Sniper gear worth over €2,000, while category winners each received a Leica X2, a broncolor Para 88 P Kit and an assortment of Sun-Sniper gear.

Red Bull Illume是全球首屈一指的國際攝影大賽致力於全世界的冒險運動。官網裡上百張精彩的照片我們FGGT也挑了我們特別喜歡的張片,有興趣的朋友快上去看! 照片真的棒透了啊~

GO>> Red Bull Illume

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