
DADDY COOL // Customized bike by les sauvages

DADDY COOL // Customized bike by les sauvages from Les Sauvages on Vimeo.

 Les Sauvages 一個來自法國的創意團隊, 看看他們影片中自己手繪插畫的車很棒耶,
上面所繪的每個小圗都可愛死了,好啦要事我也會畫我一定會這樣做~ 哈哈哈哈(乾笑中~) 

  •  Les Sauvages is a creating group in  Bordeaux (France) which also is an amazing workspace where (among other things like a DIY skatepark) they customise bike and motorcycle.

    The spirit of it is to use as much as possible second hand and recycled products
    they've customized a bike, the illustrations are in the spirit of the Big Chill's walls (if they didn't repaint them since 2010)

    To know more about the workspace you can check these page s:

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