Bershka Start Moving Sportswear Fall 2013 Collection
Bershka 2013秋季運動服飾系列,不但照片拍的好連影片也好精彩,是不是讓你看以後更想運動ㄋ~
Bershka 再接再厲,下個月將發行以珊瑚色、褐紅色結合花朵兒印花的 "Start Moving" 運動系列。除了吸汗、透氣、反光這些功能性細節之外,現在不少人講究的潮流元素也融入其中,不僅可以在運動時穿,像那復古跑鞋或T恤於平日混搭也能派上用場,打造個性的街頭運動風。
The Bershka Start Moving sportswear fall 2013 collection is already the second gym line released by the Spanish high street retailer to encourage young fashionisers to work out and stay healthy, while gaining a flawless body. In the era, when more importance is given to sport fashion, the evolvement of Bershka was more than expected and when the Bershka sport line was launched, definitely more girls and women had the desire to go to the gym. Stylish, practical, but also affordable, theBershka Start Moving sportswear fall 2013 collection has the perfect fitness garment for any body shape and style.
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