
New Era Bike Cap’s

單車熱連美國製帽大廠New Era設計了全新的帽款--New Era 506 NECJ Bike Cap!

這次的帽款特別的是隱藏了帽簷背面的縫線,反而是添加象徵單車比賽冠軍的五彩縫線!NEW ERA本身亦極少製作此類帽款,加上較為偏門款式一向容易受人追棒,是Bike友或愛帽之人都理應入手~

 New Era are also getting on the fixed gear band wagon and have brought out the 506 NECJ Bike Cap. The caps have racing style short-brims and come with a number of different coloured stripes on the underneath. . VIA

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