iPhone | CoachMyRide

CoachMyRide 是一個新的 iphone app,他可以訓練你跟幫助組織培訓,騎的更好。讓你適應你的水平和你的目標,以最大限度地提高您的進展。來自己訓練自己吧!! 看更多>>
“CoachMyRide is an iPhone and iPod Touch cycling app to coach and structure your training ride. Want to make your come back? Want to improve your cycling performance or your level of fitness? Through Coachmyride, Elite Cycling Coach Lionel Reynaud shares with you his knowledge and help you to ride better, longer, faster and harder. You choose the training adapted to your level and your goals in order to maximize your progression.”
Get more information @ CoachMyRide.
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