Red Bull Mindrome - Edinburgh
來看看 Juliet Elliott在Red Bull在蘇格蘭愛丁堡辦的活動裡的英姿吧!!!
Red Bull Mini Drome took the high road this weekend and headed to Scotland for its second outing of 2012 at Edinburgh's College of Art. Scotland welcomed the return of the world’s smallest velodrome this weekend as 32 of the world's top fixed gear riders competed to become the Red Bull Mini Drome Champion at Edinburgh’s College of Art. The event also introduced a female final, a first in Red Bull Mini Drome's history! The finals culminated with a tense round between Toms Alsberg from Latvia and local boy Martin Bletchley. Alsberg finished in first place and was crowned champion for the fourth time with Martin Betchley in second place and Ricky Crompton from Manchester in third. 'To read the rest of the feature and see the rest of the photos, please go to' Thanks to Tom from Holler for hollering at me...
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