
BIN LAN HUSTLE!! (極速檳榔 街頭競速大賽!!)

Advance registration is NT$400 OR NT$450 the day of the race. Everyone who pays to race will get a t-shirt with the race logo on it. To register in advance, please send an email to binlanhustle@gmail.com with the following information (Please use as much English as possible, though Chinese is ok):
T-Shirt Size:*
Note: Insurance is required to ride in the race.
6月20號之前網路預先報名費用為$400,參賽者如採取比賽當天報名,報名費每人為$450,每一位參加者都會拿到一件印有比賽標誌圖案的T恤. 如果要預先報名, 請寄電子郵件到 binlanhustle@gmail.com.
郵件內請附上以下資料 (請儘量用英文, 但是中文也可以):姓名:年齡:T恤尺寸:*備註: 要參加比賽, 保險號碼是必需的.

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